My version of The Food Lover's Write-Off :
I just love to eat
1. Soft Drink: Sprite
2. Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
3. Fast Food Restaurant: McDonald’s and KFC
4. Type of Pizza: Full of cheese with hot sauce and pepper!
5. Dinner: This is hard...Pizza or maybe Kare-kare with bagoong
6. Snack Food: hamburger, donuts or chips, fries and juice
7. Side Dish: Mashed potatoes
8. Food to Eat While Driving: I don’t drive...yet
9. Food for Breakfast: bread, peanut butter, scrambled eggs, milk, and coffee.
10. Sit-Down Restaurant: Saisaki, Lolo Dad's, Cibo, Old Manila ...
11. Italian Dish: pizza and pasta
12. Chinese Dish: noodles
13. Sandwich: peanut butter, tuna, Subway's sandwich.
14. Cheese: white cheese..all kinds
15. Donut: The one with a hole
16. Type of dessert: kakanin, fruits, cake, ice cream except pure chocolate ice cream,
fruit salad, All kinds of dessert.
17. Type of Cake: Braso de Mercedes, Black Forest.
18. Vegetable: All kinds of vegetables except ampalaYUCK!
19. Fruit: All kinds of fruits especially watermelon, pineapple, banana, and kiwi
20. Food In Bed: cookies
21. Beer: ehem...
22. Drink With Dinner: water
23. Fruit Juice: pineapple
24. What is your favorite meal? Most definitely the complete meal, Pizza!!!