A faint impression, and a distant memory of a short but enjoyable time well-spent. Friends. Where would you be without them? The day drudges on, and the stress begins to overwhelm. It's one of those days. Some accomplishments are harder to fulfill, but they work out. Eventually. It's the end of a day. Exhaustion seeps in, but sleep doesn't come. As easily as it should. And then you realise, every subconscious moment was infused with thoughts of her. It's odd, this feeling. So enigmatic and so poignant.
From Laguna to Tagaytay
This is how i only enjoyed my term-break. We went to Jon's resort in Calamba, Laguna last September 6 and spent the night at Herbie's villa in Tagaytay. While some of my friends had their own outing at Davao. I hope next time we could have another outing with a complete attendance so I could show them my new diving style (hehe). And I also want to experience Davao. =)

Welcome to Americans Farms formerly Filipinas Farms

Group pic at Tagaytay

Friends who were at Davao