
I enjoy eating as much as the next person, but sometimes I wish I could get my entire daily caloric intake and allowance of nutrients in one, simple beverage. There are days when eating is a huge drain of resources, money and time wise.

My other option is to starve. But I do that anyways, and it isn't nearly as satisfying even though my mom keeps on reminding me to eat plenty. I miss mom. I miss her cooking. The last time I had a taste of her food was last September 2007, and prior to that, way back to my last trip at Dubai during my high school days. I do cook. I love to cook. No, I mean I like cooking. I can't necessarily say that I love to cook because if that was the case, I'd persist no matter what circumstances arise that may hinder me from cooking. Probably, I would love to cook only if I have all the materials I need and a nice kitchen.

P.S. I just found out that I was starting to get some comments from people that I wasn't related to! The Blogger guys have very kindly included me as one of their Blogs of Note. Unbelievable, I know Hahaha.. Nows there's pressure to actually say something interesting, rather than ramble on aimlessly about nothing like I usually do.



Sat Mar 22, 09:39:00 PM

hmm... haha. weird naman. i think the only problem with cooking is before and after. If I'd immediately have all the tools and ingredients I need before cooking and have someone to clean and arrange all the tools I used after... then I'd be cooking everyday of my life.