Road to Thesis Defense

Our Thesis: A Design of a Programmable Semi-Automatic Spot Welding Machine with a Single Axis Traversing Table/Jig

Things to do: Make a Thesis Defense presentation
Medium: Flash or PowerPoint

The defense is scheduled this coming Friday and we weren't given any instructions yet on what to put on our presentation. Isn't that great huh.
This morning, Team Iota (my thesis group) had a meeting at Eng walk. We discussed about the possible questions the panelists might ask as. So, we generated this list of questions and planned to practice answering them on our mock thesis defense proposal. We found some flaws in our thesis..most of them in the technical part. Our next meeting will be tomorrow. We only get to meet during lunch breaks.

Good luck IOTA!!! We can do this!

..Now back to the presentation.


  Tarie Sabido

Wed Jun 21, 01:36:00 PM

Boy, I don't understand what your thesis is about. LOL!


Fri Jun 23, 09:01:00 PM

hahaha. congrats. pasado!