The book

Now I'm sitting here with the book laying in my lap and the music gently playing in the background,
And I wonder if, at this very minute,
I wonder if this is what's running through your mind right now
I bought the book you showed to me the last time we met.
And there's the music you were listening to and I downloaded it, too.
I got broke after I bought the book.
Now I'm sitting here with the book laying in my lap and the music softly playing in the background,
And I wonder if, at this very moment,
we're on the same page
and on the same line
reading the same word
listening to the same track and the same verse
I feel closer to you now.
Like I'm with you.



Sun Apr 27, 11:10:00 PM

Wow Carlo... you're such a hopeless romantic...


Mon Apr 28, 08:06:00 PM

That's what you think

  Chrissete Agustin

Tue Apr 29, 10:22:00 PM

That's what I thought... Haha. Syempre ang "awwwwww" nitong entry mo. Haha.